WORKS (international)

I. Βιβλία:
• Transmission of External Price Disturbances in Small Open Economies, Διδακτορική Διατριβή δημοσιευμένη Garland Press στη σειρά του εκδοτικού οίκου «Καλύτερες Διατριβές στην Οικονομική Επιστήμη», 1979.
• Foreign Investment and Trade Linkages in Developing Countries, United Nations, ST/CTC/154, Sales No. E.93. II. A. 12, April 1993.
• Μακροοικονομική Ανάλυση και Ελληνική Οικονομία (με Χ. Μαγουλά), Τυπωθήτω-Γ. Δαρδανός, 2002.
• Migration, Aid & Trade: Policy Coherence for Development (with J. Dayton-Johnson), Policy Brief n° 28, OECD Development Centre, 2006.
• Policies for Migration and Development: A European Perspective (with R.E.B. Lucas and T. Xenogiani), Policy Brief n° 30, OECD Development Centre, 2006.
• Gaining from Migration: Towards a New Mobility System (with J. Dayton-Johnson, G. Maniatis, R. Münz, D. Papademetriou), OECD Development Centre, March 2007 [και στα Γαλλικά].
• Policy Coherence for Development: Migration and developing countries (with J. Dayton-Johnson, A. di Mattia, Th. Xenogiani), OECD Development Centre, 2007 [και στα Γαλλικά].
II. Δημοσιεύσεις Άρθρων σε Διεθνή Περιοδικά και Συλλογικούς Τόμους με Κρίση:
1. “Nominal Tax Rates and the Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy”, Nominal Tax Journal, March 1979.
2. “The Reemergence of Purchasing Power Parity in the 1970s”, Special Paper in International Finance #13, International Finance Section, Princeton University, December 1979.
3 “Income Instability, Terms of Trade and the Choice of Exchange-Rate Regime” with William H. Branson), Journal of Development Economics, 7, March, 1980, 49 -69.
4. “The Impact of Greece’s Entry in the EEC on Greek-American Relations”, in T. Couloumbis and J. latrides (eds.) Greek-American Relations, Pella, 1980.
5. “Transmission of External Price Disturbances and the Composition of Trade”, Journal of International Economics, August 1980.
6. “Exchange Rate Policy in Less Developed Countries”, (with William H. Branson) in S. Grassman and Lundberg (eds.), The World Economic Order: Past and Prospects, Macmillan Press, 1981.
7. “Currency Baskets and Real Effective Exchange Rates”, (with William H. Branson) in Mark Gersovitz et. al. (eds.), The Theory and Experience of Economic Development: Essays in Honor of Sir W. Arthur Lewis, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1982.
8. “Adjustment to Variations in Prices of Imported Inputs. The Role of Economic Structure” (with Nancy P. Marion), Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv. Band 118, Heft 1. 1982, also NBER Working Paper # 360, August 1980.
9. “Macroeconomic Adjustment and Exchange-Rate Policy in Middle-Income Countries: Greece, Portugal and Spain in the 1970s”, in Marcello de Cecco (eds.) International Economic Adjustment: Small Countries and the European Economic System, Blackwell. 1983.
10. “Exchange Rates and Food in the European Community”, European Economic Review, 1983, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2; also Economic Growth Center Discussion Paper #387, September, 1981.
11. “Devaluation; A Critical Appraisal of IMF’s Policy Prescriptions”, AER: Papers and Proceedings, May 1983 (also reprinted in the BOLETIN. Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos, Vol. 31, No. 4, July-August 1985).
12. “Real Exchange Rates in the 1970s” in John Bilson and Richard Marston (eds.), Exchange Rate Theory and Practices, University of Chicago Press, August 1984 and Economic Growth Center Discussion Paper #403, May 1982.
13. “Discrete Devaluation as a Signal to Price Setters: Suggested Evidence from Greece” in L. Ahamed and S. Edwards (eds.) Structural Adjustment and Exchange Rate Policy, University of Chicago Press, 1986; also NBER Working paper #1529.
14. “Building a Process of Democratic Planning” in T. Tzannatos (ed.), Socialism in Greece: The First Four Years, Gower, Aldershot, England, April 1986.
15. “Flexible Exchange Rates and their Implications for International Economic Cooperation” in M. Szabo-Pelsoczi (ed.), The Future of the International Monetary System, Institute for World Economics, Budapest, 1986.
16. “On the Effectiveness of Discrete Devaluation in Balance of Payments Adjustment” in R.C. Marston (ed.), Misalignment of Exchange Rates: Effects on Trade and Industry, University of Chicago Press, 1989.
17. “Theoretical and Empirical Determinants of International Labour Mobility: A Greek-German Perspective” (with Nicholas P Glytsos) in I. Gordon and P. Thirlwall (eds.), European Factor Mobility: Trends and Consequences, The MacMillan Press Ltd, 1989.
18. “The Political Economy of Macroeconomic Policy in Europe”, in Guerrieri, P. and P.C Padoan (eds.), The Political Economy of International Cooperation, Wheatsheaf, 1989.
19. “Structural Adjustment of the Greek Economy”, in C. Bliss and J. Braga de Macedo (eds.), Unity with Diversity in the European Economy: The Community’ Southern Frontier, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
20. “Investment, Trade and International Competitiveness” in J.H. Dunning and K.A. Hamdani, edts, The New Globalism and Developing Countries, United Nations University Press, 1997, pp. 181-213.
21. “Illegal Migration and Local Labour Markets: The Case of Northern Greece”, (with Theodore P. Lianos, Alexander H. Sarris). International Migration Quarterly Review Vol. XXXIV, No 3, 1996, pp. 449 – 483.
22. “The Greek Economy in the Post-Maastricht Era”, Hellenic Studies, Vol. 5, No 2, Autumn 1997.
23. “European Integration and the Need for Democratic Reconsolidation”, in J. Milios, L. Katseli and Th. Pelagidis, edts, Rethinking Democracy and the Welfare State, Ellinika Grammata, 1999, pp. 83-94.
24. “Financial Governance and Democratic Consolidation: The Dual Challenge of the European Union” in A. Vlachou, edt. Contemporary Economic Theory: Radical Critiques of Neoliberalism, Macmillan Press, 1999.
25. “The Internationalisation of Southern European Economies”, in H. Gibson, edt, Economic Tranformation, Democratisation and Integration into Europe: The Case of Southern Europe, Palgrave, 2001.
26. “Searching for Alternatives – Beyond the Washington Consensus”, (in G. Schmalisch and J. Müller), International Policy Dialogue, InWEnt, Berlin, September 2004.
27. “Greek Migration: The Two Faces of Janus” (with N.GIytsos) in K. Zimmerman, edt. European Migration: “What Do We Know?”,Oxford Univesity Press, 2005.
28. “Giving Aid Teeth”, Development and Cooperation, volume 32, n° 1, January 2005. Also in The ICC Guide to Corporate Social Responsibility, 2005.
29. “The Role of Conditionality in Policy-Based Lending”, International Policy Dialogue, InWEnt, Berlin, April 2005.
30. “Effects of Migration on Sending Countries: What do we know?” (with R.E.B. Lucas and T. Xenogiani), Working Paper n° 250, OECD Development Centre, June 2006.
31. “Migration: a Negative or a Positive Driver for Development?” (with T. Xenogiani), Policy Insight n° 29, OECD Development Centre, 2006.
32. “Bridging Research and Policy – What Role for EADI?” (with C. Foy) European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes, Newsletter 2, 2006.
33. “Managing the Labour Migration and Development Equitation”, World Migration Yearbook, International Organisation for Migration, 2007.
34. “EU Policy Coherence on Security and Development: A new Agenda for Research and Policy-making”, Chapter 54, Part VII on Institutional Security Concepts Revisited for the 21st Century, in Hans Guenter Brauch, et al eds., Globalisation and Environmental Challenges: Reconceptualizing Security in the 21st Century, Vol. 3/Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, Springer, 2008.
IIΙ. Δημοσιευμένες Συλλογικές Μονογραφίες / Εκθέσεις:
35. “1992: Διαρθρωτική Προσαρμογή και Αναπτυξιακή Στρατηγική”, Η Πρόκληση του 1992, εκδ. Εστία, 1989.
36. “North / South in the EMS: Convergence and Divergence in Inflation and Real Exchange Rates”, (with J. P. Danthine, Paul de Grauwe and N. Thygesen) The CEPS Economic Policy Group, 1991.
37. “Στρατηγικές Επιλογές στην Προοπτική της ΟΝΕ”, Ελληνικό Κέντρο Ευρωπαϊκών Σπουδών, ΕΚΕΜ, Μελέτη #9, Οκτώβριος 1991.
38. “For a Europe of Civic and Social Rights”, Report by the Comite des Sages, European Commission, DG V, Brussels October 1995-February 1996.
(39-51ελληνικές εκδόσεις)
V. Επισκοπήσεις / Κριτική Βιβλίων:
52. “Transition to Flexible Exchange Rates”, World Politics, Vol. XXXIII, 2, January, 1981.
53. “The Prospects for International Economic Policy Coordination”, Panel discussion, in W.H. Buiter and P.C. Marston (eds.), International Economic Policy Coordination, Cambridge University Press, 1985, pp 376 – 379.
54. “How to Evaluate the Solvency of an Indebted Nation”, Discussant’s Comments on D. Cohen’s Paper, Economic Policy, Vol. 1, November 1985.
55. “European Currency Experiences”, Comments on F. Giavazzi and C. Giovannini, Economic Policy, Vol. 1, April 1986.
56. “Greece and the EEC” by G. Yannopoulos, Book Review, Journal of International Economics, 24. 1988, 193-196.
57. “Seignorage and EMS Discipline: A Comment” in Paul De Grauwe and L. Papademos, (eds.), The European Monetary System in the 1990s, Longman, 1990.
58. “Κοινοτικός Προϋπολογισμός και Διαρθρωτικά Ταμεία στην Προοπτική της ΟΝΕ”, (με Γ. Σαπουντζόγλου), ΕΚΕΜ, Μελέτη #16, 1992.
VI. Αδημοσίευτα Άρθρα/Διαλέξεις:
• “Enlargement of the European Community and the Common Agricultural
Policy»” Discussion Paper #301, Economic Growth Center, Yale University,
November 1978.
• “Trade Flows and Factor Mobility”, Report presented to the Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy, 1980; Economic Growth Center Discussion Paper #364 , Economic Growth Center, Yale University, January 1981.
• “Emigration, Repatriation and Economic Policy”, Paper presented at CEPR/RJIA Workshop on International Labor Migration, London 8 March 1985.
• “Greek Experience under PASOK. Lessons for Development Policy”, OTO Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, 13 November, 1985.
• “Εισαγωγή στο Venture Capital”, Διάλεξη στο Σεμινάριο του ΕΥΟ Αθήνα, 8 Οκτωβρίου, 1985.
• “Macroeconomic Policy Coordination and the Domestic Base of National Economic Policies in Major European Countries”. Άρθρο που παρουσιάστηκε στο Andover Conference on «The Political Economy of International Macroeconomic Policy Coordination». November 1987.
• “Educational Choices for Second Generation Migration: A Rationale for a European Subsidy”, (with H. Magoula and E. Markova). Μελέτη που παρουσιάστηκε στο Συνέδριο της Euresco με θέμα «Migration and Development: Second Generation Immigrants and the Transition to the Ethnic Minorities» in Acquafredda di Maratea, Ιταλία, 12-17 Μαΐου 2000.
• “An OECD Perspective on Knowledge and International Cooperation”, paper presented in Conference on “Conhecimento e Cooperação Internacional: A Agenda de Lisboa e o Diálogo Norte-Sul”, 6-7 December 2006, Coordenadores: França Martins, Luís Rodrigues, Tiago Fernandes, Ricardo Alves, Instituto Nacional de Administração, I.P., 2006.
• “Multilaterals and bilaterals on the ground: Division of Labour or Coordination?” (with D. Cohen), Experts’ Workshop on “Performance and Coherence in Multilateral Development Finance”, Berlin, January 2007

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